
Friday, August 5, 2011


Welcome to the Historic Perth Amboy Virtual Museum.
Bill Szemcsak and I have been talking about making a website about Perth Amboy for a few years now.  We got reacquainted thru various other Perth Amboy websites and found out we both had a passion for the History of Perth Amboy. 
Now our Perth Amboy website/blog is about to become a reality. 
My passion started when I became an elementary librarian for the Perth Amboy School District in 1978.  It all began with a book called the "History Of Perth Amboy"
By William C. McGinnis (Former Superintendent of Schools) 
There were 4 volumes to the set.  I found out facts that I never knew about Perth Amboy.  Little by little, I began acquiring postcards, books, pictures, basically anything Perth Amboy related that I could get my hands on. I would write letters to Antique dealers and book sellers to see if they had anything on Perth Amboy.Remember this was before the Internet or E-Bay, where you can find items much easier today.
My Perth Amboy collection includes books, photos, ephemera,etc. from 1702 to the present. Our website will contain photos, links, stories, and maybe a video or two.
all related to the History of Perth Amboy. 
If you have any photos you would like to contribute, please leave a comment where we can contact you. 


  1. Nice work Frannie and Bill, many pics I've never seen. Thanks for all the work, but I'm sure it was a labor of love.....Skinny AU

  2. Hey guys I also have a blog that has some historical PA pics, (not underground). Its called Rbay watcher. here's the link

    Feel free to poach any of the pics.
